Sunday, March 2, 2025

Production process: Room scenes

 Yesterday morning my group and I got together to film the project, they came to my house and we got started. We where planning on filming everything we needed to but couldn't. The film is supposed to be shot a little after school ends, but since it was morning the sun was as radiant as ever, and we thought that lighting wouldn't evoke the feeling we want to portray. We got one shot done, when Maddie gets to her room, and closes the curtains. 

All of my room lights where off, we just had the natural light coming from the window. It didn't really matter because the curtain was going to close either way. This is the part of the film opening where the title will appear. I will close the curtains, the screen will fade to black, and slowly the title will appear on screen. For this part of the room scene we wanted to do 2 shots. One of Maddie walking towards her window, obviously looking very sad, we wanted to make it a mid shot. And than another shot from the back of her actually closing the curtains. We took this shot many times because we couldn't decide if we wanted the curtains to be closed aggressively, or slowly. We decided on something in the middle.

All of the remaining shots we will record them at the beginning of next week, everything in the downstairs, and al the diary scene, so soon you will the the process on that.

Here you can first see the first shot of "Maddie" walking towards her window, and than the one of her actually closing the curtains.

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