For my first CCR question I know I want to do something that doesn't bore whoever is watching it, I don't want to just be a talking head, and I don't want it to just be a screen filled with paragraphs that no one wants to read. I have 1 idea which I would like to do to answer this question. The idea I had was something like a 73 Questions Vogue does while I answered the question.
The first questions to the CCR is "How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?"
Our film challenges the conventions of regular Drama movie convention because even though its based around Maddies life drama, it does include how she will grow from that, and have character development. Some of the genre drama film conventions are lighting, dialogue, monologue, set, costuming, and entrances/exits. Our film opening doest contain much dialogue, it mostly focuses on expressing Maddies emotions and how she is feeling. We also incorporate a bit of coming-of-age genre, blending the two together. Our film represents social groups of issues by tackling the mental health in teenagers. It incorporates how social media can have an impact on teenagers more than some one knows. Being depressed in todays society is not something that is talked about a lot, and our film can make teens that feel like this feel heard. That their not the odd one out for going through this, but to keep going, just like Maddie.
The idea I thought of doing is a "73 questions with vogue." It is basically an interview with someone where the person behind the camera visits them, and asks questions while their doing something. While I talk I wold also include many pictures and clips to keep the viewers engaged. I also plan on using a loud voice tone to prevent people from getting bored. Since this is something a lot of teenagers are into in social media because famous people do them, I think that it would be perfect since the character i'm playing is a teenager that lets social media affect her. This is a video that I saw that gave me the inspo for this:
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