Monday, February 10, 2025

Group Meeting #1

Today in class we were put into groups to discuss our blogs and ideas for our film openings. We began by introducing ourselves to each other, I worked with Noah, Julian, Clemance, and Aneesh. 

Us in the Group Meeting:

We first did a word document where we shared all our blog url's in it. We each saw someones different. I looked at Clemance's and really liked it, I thought it was very engaging the way she would start her posts addressing whoever is reading it. Aneesh looked at mine, he gave me some feedback and said I should include more visuals, but overall it was pretty good.

While this meeting was going on, I was taking notes to later write this blog post, you can see them here:


Than we began to talk about our ideas, not going to lie it was a real struggle to get everyone to share what they where doing in the group. Everyone was shy and pretty "confused" on what they where doing, it was hard but we pushed through it since no one wanted to participate. Clemance's group is doing a psychological drama/romance, about a toxic relationship. She told us that the opening scene will be shots of an abusive relationship, than it will cut to the main character walking through a party, this will show the credits. She will see this partner and get flashbacks, and than run up to him and they hug. Clemance told us that she is actually going to host a party at her house where she will record these scenes. The actors are going to be her friends and her group partner's cousin will play the guy.

 Noah told us how his group and him had an idea  to do a horror/thriller film opening. It was going to be a car driving by and it breaks down, smoke comes out of it and while the people fix the car, another car drives by with something creepy inside. They told him he shouldn't do this idea, so we where trying to help him to find a new one.

Aneesh and Julian are working together, they began telling us their idea of doing a legal drama, the setting being in a courtroom and someone getting death sentence. We all began discussing how it was pretty hard to create and put together that scene so if they had any other ideas. Aneesh mentioned something abut a video game. We came up with the idea of basing the film on that, the opening shot would be a kid in a dark room playing a video game, he's super invested in it. Maybe after it cuts into him waking up later that night of the day after and he is now IN the game, by the way, its a horror video game. And than from there one they develop the story.

We also talked about specific techniques we were going to use: for example i'm doing a lot of extreme long shots to show loneliness, and color to show sadness. Noah wants to focus on lighting, Clemance wants to focus on editing.(setting, establishing the plot line, she will focus on that)

Im am super excited to see how all their film openings turn out and hope all the thoughts we had helped someone with their project!

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