Monday, January 27, 2025

Beggining the Cambridge Portfolio Project

Beginning the Cambridge Portfolio Project  

  From now on, my blog posts will be about my Cambridge Final Project and all the process and things I do over the course of 8 weeks to complete it. The past blogs have helped me learn a lot of things that will help me make a good film opening, which is one of the components for the project. The other two components are these updated blog posts and a reflection at the end. Starting this project feels a bit overwhelming, but with what I’ve learned so far I feel like I can do it. 

    In a nearpod I learned about film openings and why it's important to have a purpose in the beginning. I will work on this project in a group of 4. I have already worked with these classmates and I think we make a great team so I am excited to see what we come up with. We have to decide what we will base the project off on, and what genre we will make the film opening consist of. We definitely want to incorporate a lot of the approaches to the film opening we learned about while taking notes on the nearpod, like establishing the setting or what will be the conflict of the film. We also want to add a lot of cool shots and sounds to make it interesting for the viewer. I will research deeper the genres and we will brainstorm on the story and how it will go. Than later one we will plan everything out and put it all together, but don't worry, ill be documenting it all on here. Stay tuned to see how this process will go!

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