Today we had our 2nd general meeting in class to discuss about our projects. In my group I got paired up with Octavio, Adriana, Julian and Gabriel. Throughout all our discussion I took notes on my laptop to then write this blog post for you guys :)) Here you can see a screen shot of everything I jotted down:
We all began talking about what we where doing for our projects. We than got into our filming process, than CCR's, our blogs, how were editing, and than our film actors. Here is everything we got from each group member:
He is doing a film opening about a couple that is going through a rough time in a relationship. He told us he was working alone, he is directing and filming everything, and his friends will be his actors. The title of his film opening is "Mending," he told us he chose this name because of the meaning of the word, he says that he wanted it to be related to the content of the film opening. He picked mending because he says the word means repairing, which is just what the main characters want to do with their relationship in the film.
The film opening consists of some fights between the couple and than the aftermath of the fight, than next day. The girl goes on a run and runs into someone she knows, it focuses on developing on her character. Octavio told us he is basically done with his project, he showed us some of his clips, he already has all his shots to begin editing, he said he will be using premiere pro. He says he wants to begin adding foley sounds and maybe some music at the beginning. When we where talking about how long our film opening where, he realized his was too short, and he didn't have any credits. We gave him ideas on how to make it longer and where to add the credit scenes.
For his CCR, Octavio told us he wanted to do some sort of a short film, or just him talking with pictures inserted into screen to make it engaging
She began telling us about her film opening plot, its based on a toxic, abusive relationship. She tells us how the film takes place in a party, the guy is a drunk, and he doesn't remember hitting his girlfriend, but she wants to finally end it with him. He production title is "Turbulence." She told us they where supposed to film some time ago, that her group partner was going to host a party and they would film there. Something happened and they couldn't host the party, so they will film today. Adriana also told us she wasn't going to be participating in the film, her cousin and friend where going to be acting.
For her CCR Adriana told us she wanted to do an interview with a teacher. Her partner and her would both be in it, 2 questions she would answer and use for her CCR, and 2 would go to her partner. The second CCR she wanted to do a power point with a voice over.
Julian's film opening is inspired on the video game "Hello Neighbor," they want to do a video game type horror genre. The concept of the film opening is that the main character goes into the game, and has to escape the bad guy. If the bad guy catches him her will throw him into the basement, and the point is to escape. He told us he was going to play the kid in the game, and his partner would be the one chasing him.
Julian told us his problem with their film opening, they didn't have a title. We all brainstormed and thought about some ideas. We told him he could name it something like "Escape," for the purpose of the game. Or Gabriel came up with the name "Game Over," since it is based on a video game, he wrote down our ideas.
He told us they had already filmed 3/4 of his project, they're just missing the last part and editing it.
His film openings name is "Airball," its based on a boy who's brother is a super basketball athlete. They kid wants to be as good as his brother but is always in his shadow. He wants to be as good as his brother and struggles with that. He tells us he is the only one who doesn't appear in the film, his other 3 group member. He told us he is going to be editing in premiere pro. For his CCR he was planning on doing an interview or podcast with his dad.
We saw each other blogs and gave each other feedback, its very good, he has a lot of information in detail about the project and I like how he includes pictures, it makes the blog posts more entertaining.
This is us working on our blog posts about the group meeting:
Feedback/Constructive Criticism
I told the group the group my idea, and Gabriel looked at my blog. He told me he really likes the research 1 post, and that its a good idea for my CCR. He told me I should add more research on the actual question. He said its good that I have been editing. He saw how I did a whole post on the problem we had with the project, and said it was a good thing how I was honest about it. He also enjoyed watching how we fixed problems creatively, like using the vanity mirror for better lighting in the production post. Lastly he told me I could focus more on talking about the techniques we use and go more in depth with that.
Octavio gave me the idea to create the title on Canva, and than insert it into the project making it look like it was written on. This really helped me because I didn't know how I was going to edit this in. I also mentioned how my group and I where struggling with adding music to out project, Adrian suggested to make it diegetic maybe Maddie turns on a radio or something, to make it smoother.
This group meeting really helped all of us, and I will be doing many of the things I mentioned to improve my project. Here you can see a final picture of our group during the discussion: